This past Saturday, Batavia High School underwent its annual remodeling- this year occupying the gymnasium- to become the dance floor that would be home to the Batavia 2016 Homecoming crowd of over 1,000 students.
The Homecoming dance, which is one of three dances hosted at Batavia every year, occurs annually and usually in late September. Homecoming, which was originally created for the coming home of previously graduated classes, has become synonymous with the ensuing football games and dances that now hallmark ¨Homecoming.¨ Most notably, the dance, which requires planning and organization, is now a signature accent of any high school’s homecoming week.
The process of planning this dance is labor intensive and is dealt with by the BHS Student Council every year. The leader of this process is Addie Bobosky, the president of Student Council, who took time to answer questions. Starting early in the summer the Student Council has, ¨many things to do such as picking a theme, ordering shirts, and getting dance information set,¨ Bobosky said. These individual elements all come together to play a large role in the final product, with the theme and shirts usually playing directly into the dance itself.
This year, the theme was job related and had freshmen as construction workers, sophomores as farmers, juniors as doctors, and seniors as military serviceman. The process to decide the theme is orchestrated by student council, who have their members vote on the subject, then seek approval from the board of administration.
Something new and unexpected this year that also had to go through close supervision by the board of administrators was the moving of the dance from the usual cafeteria to the main gymnasium.
The Student Council had to create even more specific plans in order for the dance to be held in the gym and after months of planning, the administration cleared the student council to hold the dance in the gym instead of the lunchroom. Students throughout the dance seemed to enjoy the change of location
¨I think that people really enjoyed the gym atmosphere,”Bobosky said. “It was a fun change.¨
With a large portion of students coming out to enjoy the dance and Homecoming week. With the senior class winning the spirit stick and sweeping the Class Olympics, the seniors saw fit that they leave a fond memory for next year’s homecoming classes. With Homecoming come and gone, student council now has to focus on the future Prom dance that accompanies the end of the year.