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Q&A: Wells active on student council

By Erin Golden

Mia Wells, a sophomore at Batavia High School, is an active member of student council the last two years. Student council is a group of students at BHS elected by their peers to set up and organize different events while helping the school and the community.


Q: Why did you run for student council in the first place?

A: “I decided to run for student council for a couple reasons. My older brother Danny, who is a year above me, did it his freshman year, and as an eighth grader hearing about the fun he was having made me want to do it. I also ran for student council because in my high school career I want to try and join as many things as possible.”


Q: Do you feel student council does a lot for our school?

A: “I think they help out a lot with our school and even our community. Student council has a fundraiser by giving local kids a movie night at BHS, we volunteer in the community. We also set up all of homecoming, prom, homecoming week, and any other events or new things for the students like Operation Click.”


Q: Do you feel that student council is beneficial to our school? Why?

A: “I do feel that student council is beneficial to our school. We [have] a say for the students and get to do things to make school more interesting and fun.”


Q: What do you think student council focuses the most on?

A: “I think student council focuses most on events, volunteering, and helping out. Events for our school and outside, volunteering at local places, and helping out teachers and students.”


Q: Has student council impacted the way you see Batavia High School? Why?

A: “I don’t necessarily think it’s impacted the way I see Batavia High School but seeing how it works. Being in student council I get to meet lots of new people and teachers. By knowing all these people, I start to notice how teachers and kids do things unnoticed, helping each other, starting clubs, giving a say, and making events and things happen.”


Q: Would you recommend student council to others? Why?

A: “Yes, I highly recommend it to everyone. Whether [whatever] your personality or thoughts [are,] student council is open to having anyone. They love new ideas and new people. You meet so many new people and are exposed to fun events, helping out at your school, and volunteering.”


Q: Can student council duties be stressful to do while having school work and extracurricular activities?

A: “No, I’m rarely stressed about student council. They’re very good about giving us time for our tasks and most of our duties are working together so we split up the work.”

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