Every year, a big man in a red Article of clothing decides whether or not you have been Adjective or Adjective this year. His name is Santa! If you are Adjective, Santa will bring you Plural Noun. But if you are Adjective Santa will give you plural noun.
Every Christmas Eve, Santa rides in his transportation which is pulled by his magic, flying animal plural. He travels all around the world to deliver plural noun to all the good little plural noun.
Before Santa can deliver the Plural Noun you must put up a Christmas Noun. You can decorate the Christmas noun with lights, and a big yellow noun on top. On Christmas Eve, you have to leave out milk and noun for Santa to verb .
Santa comes to your house by going down the noun . He also verbs your clothing with plural noun while also putting your plural noun underneath the Christmas noun . But he will verb before you wake up.
On Christmas morning, you will verb up to adjective plural noun