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Career paths for you here at BHS!

By Grace Summers

Most students are unfamiliar with the Fox Valley Career Center Program (FVCC). The Center offers a variety of specialized courses and programs to juniors and seniors here at Batavia High School. Some of the programs offered are Automotive Technology I and II, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Fire Science, Basic Nurse Assistant Training (BNAT), and Welding I and II. These programs allow students to begin to understand what some career fields entail as they start to look past high school. Zach Korchmar, a former participant of the Fire Science course, answered some questions about his experience at the Fox Valley Career Center.


Q: How did you find out about FVCC?

A: “Through my friends. They gave me the idea and said it was a good class to take, and I took their recommendation into consideration and ended up taking the class.”


Q: What was a regular day like working and learning at the fire station?

A: “Lots of training. Once we got there, they would give us instruction on our training for the day. We would then go outside and train.”


Q: What did your training entail?

A: “A lot of physical labor and also lots of drilling and cleaning up at the training site.”


Q: What do you think are some positives about fire science?

A: “Some positives are learning how to save peoples’ lives obviously, learning how to use tools properly, and how to mentally prepare yourself for tough physical situations.”


Q: How did you feel about having to wear your uniform to school and at the fire department?

A: “It wasn’t fun. I enjoyed it at the fire department, but not at school.”


Q: What were some big takeaways that you learned?

A: “How to be prepared for any situation that presents itself during an emergency.”


Q: Would you recommend this program to other students?

A: “Yes, absolutely. I feel this is a great program that gives students a taste of being out in a real career field.¨

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