Recently, many have been encouraged to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, as an effort to, of course, maintain nationwide safety and finally retain some form of normality. While some have a negative opinion on the injection, the vast majority of the population agree that this is, very much so, a good thing. However, the specific views of communities and people can provide an in-depth look on the effects of such a program. So, earlier in the week, I asked a few people who had recently received their vaccinations a few questions about the experience, their viewpoints, the vaccine itself, and the situation as a whole. Calder Carroccia, a Freshman at BHS, offered his viewpoint.
Q: “Where did you get your vaccination from? Do you believe the location and experience is reliable? Safe?”
A: “I got it from a KaneVax spot inside the old Sam’s Club. I thought it was very reliable, with U.S. army soldiers there making everything go smoothly.”
Q: “How do you feel about the controversy of the COVID vaccination as a whole?”
A: “There should be no controversy, simply. Thirty-two percent of Americans get vaccinated yearly, and with zero issue.”
Q: “Are there any potential risks to face when receiving your vaccination? Why, and what could they be?”
A: “The risks are mainly that you could potentially have an allergic reaction, but the same is true with anything, really.”
Q: “How do you feel now that you have actually received the vaccine? Do you have advice or suggestions for anyone considering?”
A: “Please, go get it. These have been lab tested for months, and many, many people have gotten it and been just fine after the fact, like health workers, teachers, and politicians.”
Calder’s viewpoint is simply put: he, as well as many other people in our community, believe the vaccine is safe, reliable, and for our best interest. The risks, if any, are small and are consequential to many things in our everyday lives, and [Calder] is completely for the receiving of the COVID-19 vaccine.