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BHS Students Rock the Runway

As Yves Saint Laurant once said, “Fashions fade, style is eternal.” Batavia High School’s Art and Identity class is presenting the annual Rock the Runway event on May 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the BFAC.
Rock the Runway is a wearable fashion show that helps raise money for scholarships. There is no fabric used, just different materials that are found around the studio. Judges from the Art Institute, along with two students, score the dresses based on creativity.
“Rock the Runway only gets bigger every year,” senior Cassie Sychta said. “I love seeing all of the dresses and show coming together.”
The theme for Rock the Runway this year is fusion.
“Fusion is the process of joining two things together through the color or pattern,” art teacher Dawn Zalkus said. “The set is going to embody the scene of ‘fusion’. It is going to be really cool.”
Art is very important to all of the students involved in Rock the Runway.
“I love that art is limitless and expressive, anyone can create anything,” Sychta said. “Art can portray powerful messages in so many ways.”
Some of the artists participating in this event include; Cassie Sychta, ‘14, Caroline Lantz, ‘14, Anita Wolf, ‘14, and many more talented students.
“For Rock the Runway, I am a creative director along with my twin, Claire Sychta, and Allison Warren, ‘15” said Sychta. “I am also a designer for the show as well.”
Carloine Lantz, ‘14, joins the competition for her first year.
“This is my first year creating a dress for Rock the Runway and I’m very excited,” Lantz said. “Though for the past few years I have been involved in the show and did hair and makeup for one of the designers. It was such a great experience and it really made me want to create a dress of my own.”
Lantz plans on taking her talent of art with her to college.
“Art is something that will always be a part of my life,” said Lantz. “I plan to minor in art.”
The art students really see a connection through each other’s art work.
“I love how art has the ability to bring people together,” Lantz said. “It creates bridges between people people, so that they may see each other clearly and become closer.”
Tickets for Rock the Runway are available on , or at school. The cost is $7 for adults and $4 for students. Come see this fusion of excitement!


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