Next school year, Batavia High School will be offering new classes and will also be making changes to the current class requirements.
Some of the new classes being offered are Civil Engineering, 21st Century Literature, and AP Physics II. Civil Engineering and AP Physics II will be semester classes and 21st Century Literature will be a term class.
“College American History was offered last year, but did not run this year so it is going to be offered again.” Said BHS counselor Kristen Stern.
Some classes at BHS have just changed the requirements. Most of these changes are in the academic department, but some are in the elective departments.
“Some classes like Journalistic Writing: Newspaper production has changed to include students who did not take Journalism,” Said Stern. “This allows more students to take the class. Other classes in science moved from requiring certain math courses to recommending them, so students could get some science courses in earlier. A big change for seniors is that there are fewer English courses that will meet the senior English requirement. In the past all English courses would do that, but now, courses that have both literature and writing are the only ones that will work.”
New gym classes that were planned to be offered in the new school year, are not being offered anymore due to lack of participants. The only gym classes being offered next year are General PE, Dance Gym, Walking Gym, Excel Gym, and Physical Education Leadership. Another gym elective being offered is Advanced Health.
“I’m looking forward for Photography 2, Advanced Health, and Psychology.” Samantha Bradle ‘16.
If you need any more information about any of the new classes being offered, or any class request information, contact your counselor by going to the Counseling and Advising Office.
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