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The Batavia Spectator

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By: Seth Winkle

Just when the administrators thought one of the most controversial teachers at Batavia High School may be gone, he has come back again in a new form.

On Wed, March 8 John Dryden was elected to be a member of the Batavia School District School Board. Dryden received the most votes of any candidates in the running, with an unofficial count of 2,393 votes.

Over his years in Batavia schools, Dryden has created for himself a mixed reputation from citizens of Batavia. Reasons for people liking or disliking Dryden vary dramatically throughout the town.

¨I think unlike other board members Dryden has the kids in mind first¨ said high school senior Eric Walerstein. ¨Rather than just teaching the textbook all the time, Dryden is a promoter of true education. He’ll do whatever it takes, spend whatever it takes for the kids¨.

While many people share the same view as Walerstein, other people view this same attitude a different way.

¨I’m all for the kids, however money needs to be a concern at some point¨ said former Batavia School Board member Matt Winkle.

This is not the only reason for concern about Dryden’s future on the board.

¨There sure has been a rather bitter history between Dryden and the high school administration¨ said Jake Birkhaug, current student ambassador for the high school. ¨This is not to say he won’t be fit on the board¨

Wallerstein thinks that Dryden is suitable for the role, and feels that the board and administration will treat Dryden with a different respect level with the new position he is in.

¨Dryden is an adult, and he will be able to get along with everyone fine. He may bring up some ideas that may oppose theirs, but he is just advocating for the students¨ said Walerstein.

Nobody truly knows how Dryden will fair on the board. In fact, the only thing that seems to be for sure is that everywhere you go in Batavia, you will find different opinions.



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