Thursdays at 10:50, every student at BHS simultaneously stares at the clock, anxiously waiting for the bell that signifies an entire hour’s break from class. Bulldog Hour is looked forward to by many, but by now just about every student knows that it’s changing. Rumors are flying left and right about what’s going on. Some say Bulldog Hour is being rescheduled to a new time – others argue that it’s being removed entirely. To put these rumors to rest, The Spectator met with principal Dr. JoAnne Smith to discuss the future of Bulldog Hour.
[Anything not marked in quotation marks was paraphrased by the author]
Q: What led to the reconsideration of Bulldog Hour?
A: “While many students were using the time for the intended purpose of academic intervention, many more were not. Because Bulldog Hour was a new program in 2014-2015, we knew that some adjustments would need to be considered after time to collect data and get feedback. “
Q: Did the QR Codes have something to do with it?
A: It was part of it. There were multiple pieces of data that we looked at, and we know that not everyone checks in. The number of disciplinary issues were higher during Bulldog Hour, so that had a lot to do with it. Don’t worry though: Bulldog Hour won’t go away.
Q: Why did you choose to skip Bulldog Hour for the first couple weeks back from break?
A: Based on information we collected, the beginning of the semester is when students tend to use Bulldog Hour the least.
Q: When will Bulldog Hour be back?
A: After a couple weeks into the semester, remediations and make up work starts to pile up and then we’ll bring Bulldog Hour back.
Q: What is the future for Bulldog Hour?
A: “Our School Leadership Team will continue to study the program and determine what changes need to be made to be sure that our students are getting what they need from this time.”
Q: How do you think students will react to the change?
A: “If changes are made, I am sure there will be an adjustment period. We will be sure to let students know our expectations so there is no confusion.”