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Q&A – Kylie Schultz

Kylie Schultz is a 15 year-old freshman at Batavia High School and has strong passions for soccer and art. This year she joined the BHS girls soccer team and is very excited for the upcoming season to start. In Schultz’s free time, she likes to spend time with her family, friends, and relax on the weekends.


1. How has your high school experience been so far? Why?

It’s been pretty good, especially since I have more freedom and I liked all of my classes.

2. What is the biggest difficulty you have faced with the high school transition?

Having to make new friends depending on my classes and not having my closest friends in those classes.

3. What is your opinion towards Bulldog Hour?

I really like it because I like that I can spend that time finishing my homework, getting help from teachers, making up tests, working on projects, and most importantly seeing the friends I don’t have classes with.  

4. How do you feel about block scheduling?

I love it because changing classes each semester is more interesting and I know that I don’t get as much homework as I would if I did not have block scheduling.

5. What classes did you take this year?

First semester I took Spanish 1, Biology, Art Fundamentals, and Cultural Studies. In the second semester, I am taking English 1, Intermediate Algebra (H), Spanish 2, and Health/PE.

6. Which class was your favorite? For what reason?

Art Fundamentals because I have always enjoyed drawing in my free time. This class really helped me learn new techniques and made art more fun.

7. Who is/was your favorite teacher? Is it the teacher who taught your favorite class?

My favorite teacher was Mrs. Wendorf and no she was not my my art fundamentals teacher. She taught my Spanish 1 class.

8. Do you volunteer or belong to any clubs for the high school? If so, which club?

Yes, I am in Interact club and I like it because it is a very fun club to volunteer for.

9.When does the girls soccer season start?

Preseason starts Jan. 4, tryouts are Feb. 29, and the official season starts soon after.

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