By Sierra Hobson
After winning the IHSA Sectional Championship last season, this spring’s Batavia track and field team has an amazing legacy to continue. Both male and female runners, freshman through senior, laced up their trainers, tied their hair back, and prepared for another season of the sport they love, which begins Mon., Feb. 1. Whether they trained offseason, or were just getting back into the swing of things, teammates anxiously gathered their things for their first day of the season.
On the first day of practice, senior Emily Ciaccio said that the sprinters started the season off with several warm-up laps to get their muscles moving and heart beats racing. Following that was agilities- high knees, butt kickers, etc. On an every-other-day basis, the team runs intervals, or a set of sprints, around the track. On the first day back, Ciaccio ran four 200-meter intervals. After just the first day, she was already able to set new goals such as wanting to improve her time in both the 200 and 400-meter dashes. Following the day’s workout, Ciaccio ran a few cool down laps followed by stretching to bring her body back to rest.
“My high school track experience has been awesome,” Ciaccio said. “For me, I feel like each season has gotten better and has been more fun than the last. Being on the track team has been such a great experience, because I’ve met a ton of quality people, have had a lot of fun, and have gained a lot of life skills.”
As for the girls head coach, Justin Allison, this season couldn’t be more anticipated. Allison said last season proved to be one of the most successful and historic seasons yet. The girls won both indoor and outdoor Upstate Eight Conference meets along with a first-time win at the IHSA Sectionals Meet. An impressive 10 events qualified making for a fun day full of outstanding accomplishments.
“Along with 110+ girls with incredible work ethics and attitudes, a few standout performers from Sectionals included; Emma Stephens (3200-run), Hannah Schlaman (sprints), Tori Ortiz (sprints), Sam Healy (throws), Jada JonesMartin (throws), Abby Kehe (High Jump), Megan DalSanto (hurdles and Long Jump), Leah Narup (hurdles), Darby Edmondson (sprints/relay/Triple Jump), Sam DelMundo (sprints and jumps), Dakota Roman (distance), and Daphne Kolody (distance),” Allison said proudly.
As always, Allison encouraged new girls to come out and join the team. His advice to any new athletes is to, “ask questions and seek the wisdom and experiences from your peers.”