By Holly DuBose
Recently, Batavia District 101 gave high school students the opportunity to mentor elementary school students after school. The After School Mentoring program consists of meeting once a week for one hour with an elementary school student and helping them with their homework, their reading skills, and reaching student-set goals.
“The mentor program kicks off next week!” said Amy Nelson, the district’s Community Outreach Coordinator.
This is the second year this particular program has been available.
“I had quite a few return- I don’t know the number off hand, but I’d say at least 10-20,” Nelson said.
The day in which both students will meet will be determined by each of the four elementary schools participating in the program (HC Storm, Hoover Wood, J.B. Nelson and Louise White). The program is hoping to have around twenty elementary students from each of the four schools getting tutored. Students are welcome to partner up with a friend and co-mentor the same elementary student. This program will run from the beginning of November to the beginning of May. Also at the end of each session, there is game time.
“This is a great program to become involved in as you could really make a difference in a student’s life,” Nelson said. “It also looks great on college applications and resumes!”
This program would create relationships by encouraging and supporting them.
“I think the favorite part is having fun with the students and building those relationships,” Nelson said.
Working with them would help improve their communication skills. If a student was looking into elementary education, this would help support or change that idea.
This program would improve their communication skills and their skills in any subject they need assistance in. Getting mentoring at a young age is very beneficial, to either catch up with their grade or get a head start. If the elementary student is in fifth grade, the high school student can give them advice as well as prepare them for middle school, as it is very different from elementary school.
This year, the program had 140 participants who signed up, and the mentor list is full! Those in charge of the After School Mentoring Program hope to start earlier next year, so keep an eye for this program early next year if you are interested in participating in this great experience!