By Carly Casper
Head Coach: Scott Bayer (12th year as a coach, fifth year as a head coach)
Assistant Coaches: Coach Arlis (fourth year as assistant, former head coach)
Coach Farwell (fourth year)
Coach Miller (second year)
Coach Cadena (fifth year)
Coach Alvarado (first year)
Last season’s highlights (including record):
Batavia won the Upstate Conference Tournament Championship last season.
Top returnees:
The top players coming back for this season include the following eight boys: Seth Winkle (145/152 lbs.), Joe Posledni (152/160 lbs.), Tyler Luppino (195 lbs.), Nick Benson (170 lbs.), D’Andre Meadows (285 lbs.), Andy Posledni (113/120 lbs.), Justin Major (132/138 lbs.), and Dylan Doranski (126/132 lbs.).
Top newcomers:
Batavia is hoping to bring in some newbies this year to improve the team. “Sophomores Alex and Angel Cruz are both gunning for a varsity spot this season,”Bayer said. Senior Jack Darby will also be a newcomer. He’s working for a starting spot in the upper weights.
Outlook for this season:
The team will compete for conference championship.
Top teams in the area/league
“St. Charles East is the team to beat,” Bayer said. They are a top team in the league.
Top players in the area/league/state
“This area Dupage/Kane County is one of the most densely competitive wrestling regions in the country,” Bayer said.
Interesting story line around your team or area
“A lot has to happen here, but there is a great chance we’ll be wrestling St. Charles East for the UEC River Division championship,” Bayer said. This meet will take place in the gym at BHS on Thurs. Nov. 12 for the Event III.