By Claire Gearhart
The soft glow of the fairy lights was visible even through the blinding stage lights that brought out the worst shadows in the face. Stomachs fluttered with metaphorical butterflies as nerves were brought out by walking onto the bright stage. Poised and in position, the students began to perform.
On Wed., Nov. 30, students of Batavia High School gathered in the E and F wings, well after school was over, ready to start their performances for the night. The Kaleidoscope Concert is anticipated by Batavia residents ready to kick off their holiday season with a display of lights, students, and music.
“The most fun part of the concert was being with my friends and celebrating the four years we’ve been able to be a part of this production,” said senior Ariane Omerza.
Beautiful music flowed about the BFAC, entrancing the audience with its rich sounds and weaving melodies. Meanwhile, the students were strewn about the E-wing hallway, clothes and backpacks lay everywhere, and students rushed back and forth making sure everything was on time.
All musical students played in the performance. This included all kinds of bands, choirs, and orchestras that had all prepared arrangements of music to surprise and delight the people around them. One of the most talked about pieces was by the Flute Choir. At the Christmas concert they chose to perform the well-known song This is Halloween, from the children’s movie The Night Before Christmas.
“I love being part of a flute choir because it gives me the opportunity to hear the sounds of some less common flutes such as the alto, bass, and contrabass,” said junior Grace Gerardi. “It was difficult to stay together because there was barely any light in the balcony, but I think the performance went well. We played ‘This is Halloween,’ which was a funny way to mix up the otherwise festive program.”
As the audience left the building, the hundreds of kids traveled down to the cafeteria, ready to refuel and prepare for the next concert. Sitting around the lunch tables eating the dinner they had brought with them, and laughing with all their friends, a spirit of elation and optimism filled the room. Although stressful, the concert had ended well and now that they knew how well everything could go, they were ready to start again.
“I enjoyed spending time with my friends in band, choir, and orchestra between performances. Most of the time at the concert was spent socializing rather than performing because of the amount of groups that performed,” said freshman Abigail Hill.
The songs performed in the second concert were the same as the first, but they sounded entirely different. The students went back and changed what they felt they had done wrong and were searching for the perfect way to perform their music.
Then came the finale; everyone was ready for the moment when all of the musical groups would perform together. The choir gathered in around the sides and front of the auditorium, the orchestra and band piled together on stage, and out came Santa Clause.
Cheers and clapping began for the conductor in the big red suit, with red cheeks and a long white beard the conductor lifted his baton, instructing everyone to be ready for the first note. Silence filled the room, people held their breaths, children watched with wide eyes as they waited for the music to begin. With jubilation and euphoria, the music began.
“It was great for us to each be playing a different instrument, or singing, but being one,” said freshman Morgan Steinys.
After everyone’s equipment and personal items were picked up, people began to exit into the icy night air. Everyone was elated by the jolly music and the festivities of the night. The students, although exhausted and tired, were in good spirits for what they had accomplished. Already looking forward to next year’s performance, the parents congratulated their children on the show.