By Allison Bleakley
Operation Click is a nationwide organization that was created to encourage safe driving for high school students. The Batavia High School Student Council and Office Justin Howe connected with Operation Click this year to promote safe driving at BHS. The Spectator met with the student council students running Operation Click including Chris Theros, Skylar Morris, and Julia Bobosky, to talk about what BHS and Student Council is doing to promote Operation Click and how students can get more involved.
The Spectator: How can students get involved with Operation Click?
Bobosky: “Students can get involved with Operation Click by promoting being safe on the roads. Students need to be more cautious while being behind the wheel or even in the car. At the beginning of the year, students had the option to sign a waiver if you had your license. If the person signed it, that means you are in operation click. If a student wants to be involved in the committee, there will be ways to sign up next year for it!”
Q: What is Student Council doing to promote Operation Click?
Theros: “There have been some morning announcements talking about Operation Click. There were some prizes given away at the basketball game on Sat., Feb. 17 (2/17). There will also be decorations in the hallway focusing on motorcycle safety.”
Bobosky: “Throughout the beginning of this committee, we have been trying to reach out to every student. We feel it is important for everyone to know about this committee. We have discussed with the people who do the morning announcements to promote it more. We are going to start to make posters to keep promoting it, as well.”
Q: Can anybody join Operation Click?
Theros: “To join Operation Click, students must have a driver’s license by the sign-up date, which has passed so sign-ups are closed.”
Bobosky: “In order to sign up for this committee, you had to sign the waiver that was handed out earlier and also have your driver’s license. You have to follow all the restrictions on the waiver in order to qualify. Next year, there will be a new ballot to get on the committee.”
Q: Are there certain topics BHS is focusing on? Like drinking and driving, or texting?
Morris: “Right now, we are working on a motorcycle campaign, but in the future, we hope to hit more topics to promote safe driving.”
Bobosky: “Our focus was to start with motorcycle safety. Being on the roads especially during warmer weather students may not realize and focus on their surroundings as much. We are now starting to promote not to text and drive. One of the main causes of injuries and deaths are due to students being unaware on their phones while driving. We are trying to promote as much as possible to ensure the safety of all students.”
Q: How can students win prizes?
Bobosky: “If you signed the waiver, your name could possibly be pulled at random. If you’ve signed up and have not been pulled over while driving or received a ticket or broken any laws outside of driving-you have a chance of winning a prize!”
Q: What made you join the Operation Click committee?
Bobosky: “What made me join the Operation Click committee was I wanted to make a difference in our school and make a positive impact on the students. I am glad that our school has started to do this because one of the biggest factors of injuries or even deaths is car accidents. I feel that everyone should be aware of their surroundings and what they do once they step foot behind the wheel. I heard about Operation Click in a Student Council meeting, which influenced me to join the committee. I am excited to see how impactful this committee can be now and even in a couple of years!”
Q: Do you feel you’ve been a safer driver after joining Operation Click?
Bobosky: “After joining this committee, it had made me be more cautious while driving and also being aware of my surroundings. I have been extra aware of motorcycles and I keep checking left and right before turning. I have been putting my phone in either the compartment of the car or in a side pocket and turning it on mute while I’m driving to my destination.”