By Sofia Bellafiore
There are many classes offered at Batavia High School that give students the opportunity to learn things that they enjoy. Classes like art, graphics, or marine biology are electives that center around an individual’s interests, and they are offered at BHS. Interesting electives make the school environment more enjoyable and as a whole, Batavia High School should have leadership classes available because they combine student enjoyment with real-life skills.
The purpose of a leadership class is to teach students strong communication and team-building skills. Students can also develop skills like how to work as strong individuals in these classes as well. Leadership should be an option as an elective class because they improve self-development with the way we communicate with one another. Some activities that may be included in a leadership class would be team-building exercises, speeches, lectures, and interactive circles. This type of class would not only teach a variety of skills, but it would also look good on diplomas for students who are hoping to go to college.
I have personal experience with leadership camps and lectures because my Papa was recently retired at Marmion High School as the leadership teacher. Growing up, I was introduced to team-building camps that showed us how things can turn out when people worked together vs. when working alone. Typically, the activities that were done as a team turned out to be more successful. Following an activity, there was a lesson taught to students teaching us the meaning of teamwork and the importance of working together.
Overall, a leadership class would be beneficial to have at Batavia High School because it would be a course that would teach real-life skills. Students would look forward to the fun activities while still being in a hardworking/stimulating environment. This type of class would improve speaking and social skills that would carry over into adulthood. Leadership as a whole is a topic that stands out to many job owners and colleges. Offering this type of class would give students the opportunity to put something significant into their college applications. Leadership classes would improve the skills of growing adults and allow new opportunities.