By Brandon Thilges
As the class of 2019 enters its final year of high school, many are left to contemplate what they are going to do after they graduate. Some are going straight into the workforce, others into the military, but the majority are going the attend College. The idea of College alone is a major stress for some because it is such a big undertaking, but it is a step necessary to become the most successful that one can be. Here are four things that one may do in order to prepare for college.
Stay focused on your final year of high school – It is common for high school seniors to become distracted their final year by the stress of college in the near future. This may lead to a drop in performance in their work, which may compromise their college entry. The best thing that one may do is to focus solely on their senior year work and worry about college after they are guaranteed to graduate high school.
Explore different paths – A smart thing to do is to explore several different possible paths. This may include an alternate career path just in case your first choice does not work out
Have funds put aside – A major part of the stress that people experience do to college is the extensive amount of money that is due. A major mistake that people may make is they focus solely on the price of attending college instead of also preparing for living expenses. Once they begin college, many realize that their budget for living necessities, including food, is low, hence the common term “College Diet”. Make sure you save enough funds!
Become familiar with the campus before you start – After being accepted to your college, it is important to visit the campus and familiarize yourself with the layout of the school. The last thing that you would want to happen on your first day is that you have no clue where you are going. As well as finding your classes, make sure to also locate other important places such as the library and cafeteria.