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The Batavia Spectator

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OPINION: American Sign Language should be option for students

OPINION: American Sign Language should be option for students

By Grace Summers Here in the United States, American Sign Language (ASL) is the sixth most used language, and yet our school teaches an unofficial language, Latin. Our nation strives to push Americans to learn other languages so that we can further grow and develop into a successful society. Evidently, a vast wall looms between […]

OPINION: Higher education should be free

OPINION: Higher education should be free

By Brandon Thilges There is an essential necessity that humans must acquire to have a successful life on earth, and that is education. For hundreds of years, education has brought prosperity to our great people and excelled them through days of trouble and need. But recently it has all come at a price that, for […]

OPINION: Teaching is the best job

OPINION: Teaching is the best job

By Emily Tratar When people are asked the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” the answer is usually not to relive your high school days for the rest of your life as a teacher. Most people want to graduate after 16 years of school and never go back. Even though […]

OPINION: Listening to music during class assists many students

OPINION: Listening to music during class assists many students

By Alexa Garcia At the beginning of this year one of my teachers let us listen to music every day when were were given time to start our homework. A couple weeks ago, she took away that privilege because she felt we couldn’t concentrate while listening to music. Since then, my grade in their class […]