Stan Lee’s top three heroes

By Christian Stevens Stan Lee died of pneumonia at the age of 93 on Nov. 12. Lee was an American comic book writer, editor, and publisher who rose to fame through a family business which later became Marvel Studios. Lee created heroes that were relatable, everyday people that could change the world for better. Throughout […]
Top 10 unknown vacation spots in the U.S.

By Isabella Helm The U.S. has many great places to vacation, some more known than others. When you think of places to vacation in the U.S. most people think of Florida, Los Angeles, New York, or Disney World. But there are plenty of great places to vacation in the U.S. that not as many people […]
10 things to do before you graduate

By Rachel Morano High school is only 4 short years, so you want to enjoy them to the absolute fullest. Everyone knows the basic things you should do before that last bell rings of your senior year. Try a sport, join a new club, etc. But did you know there were so many other things […]