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The Batavia Spectator

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OPINION: Who I’m voting for Illinois governor

OPINION: Who I’m voting for Illinois governor

By Josh Tharp Illinois is currently in a debt crisis. The election coming in November is very important, as citizens will be electing new representatives to act as our voice, as well as either re-electing Bruce Rauner or voting in J.B. Pritzker. I personally believe that Illinois would be in a better economic position if […]

Fifteen items to bring to school

Fifteen items to bring to school

By Macie Rummel Getting bored in school, or wanting ideas of what to bring? Well, I have a list of 15 things you can bring to school to make you less bored or that may be helpful. 1. Headphones Bringing headphones will ensure you can listen to music. It could help you to focus on […]

OPINION: More emphasis should be placed on human space exploration

OPINION: More emphasis should be placed on human space exploration

By Allison Pumo Humans could soon be heading to Mars. Humans have been exploring Mars with robots and special space technology for over 40 years, but soon, scientists plan to send humans to Mars to get a closer look themselves. If executed correctly, the benefits of life on Mars could be extremely beneficial to the […]

Space debris should be considered problematic

Space debris should be considered problematic

By Allison Pumo Space debris has been a growing issue over the years, gathering outside of planet Earth for years and years. Space debris is not only made of man-made objects. It is also made from natural objects as well, such as ice, rock, and dust. Examples of man-made objects can range from old parts […]

OPINION: Guns should be banned to curb violence

OPINION: Guns should be banned to curb violence

By Joanna Garcia So far in 2018 there have been 18 shootings, which is an average of one shooting per week, according to David Emery, an author for Snopes. To reduce violence, guns should be banned. The U.S has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world. Americans own 300 million guns. Even the […]

REVIEW: ‘Infinity War’ worth decade long wait

REVIEW: ‘Infinity War’ worth decade long wait

By Rudy A. Mix Seventy-six characters, all developing from at least three decades of comic-book lore, ten years of moviemaking, and ten years of anticipation has led Marvel to Avengers: Infinity War. This one movie has had so much anticipation for it, and it finally came out on April 27. It definitely fulfilled the anticipation. […]

OPINION: PE classes should improve education to curb obesity

OPINION: PE classes should improve education to curb obesity

By Alex Richards The percent of people who are obese has reached a staggering 36.5 percent of adults, according to the CDC. This number has not changed since 2011 when 36% percent of adults were considered obese by the CDC. This high percent comes many from insufficient education and knowledge. People also don’t understand the […]

OPINION: SAT a poor judgment of student abilities

OPINION: SAT a poor judgment of student abilities

By Karlee Rindt When you hear about the SAT what comes to mind? Do the words pointless, dreadful, and time-consuming come to mind because those are all accurate definitions of the test. Most students probably know that the SAT has recently become the most widely used college administration test. Also that it takes practice and […]

OPINION: Clear back packs not the solution to school gun violence

OPINION: Clear back packs not the solution to school gun violence

By Izzy Mach On February 14, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, located in Parkland, Fla., was involved in the 17th school shooting this year. Seventeen students and faculty members were killed, and another 14 were injured. This tragedy sparked discussion on gun control and the efforts made by schools to keep students safe.   “Make sure […]

OPINION: Japan is safe, kind, and fun

OPINION: Japan is safe, kind, and fun

By Lilika Suzuki I hear that life in Japan is stressful. Comparing their work and salary, it seems the balance is not taken. The people in any sort of political parties are lying the TV news repeats. Social media is good at finding negative events compared to positive; even Japan is a country that is […]